Gloria Tabi is the CEO of EVERYDAY INCLUSION

Gloria’s family consist of Black, and white ancestry by marriage, which gives her a broad understanding and lived-experience of both sides of the spectrum. She brings well-grounded knowledge and experience of the impacts presented in race and gender identities.

After years of experiencing racial discrimination and sexism in the workplace, Gloria decided to use her pain for purpose by enhancing her education and knowledge of why racism occur, and now she helps business leaders see the disconnect between the inclusiveness they aspire for their organization, and the reality experienced by their under-privileged employees.

Gloria is the author of Inclusive Teams & Workplaces: Everyone Wins!!  She wrote this book to assist leaders become aware of the unique racial barriers faced by some of their staff and how to fix it. Gloria established EVERYDAY INCLUSION to work with leaders to achieve inclusivity for their workplace. Gloria is also Co-founder of  VoiceEverydayRacism which gives a platform for those on the receiving end of workplace exclusion to voice these issues for leaders to learn.

Her research specialises in Social Analysis on Inequalities and Anti-Racism.

Gloria is passionate about helping businesses reach inclusivity that support people and future-proof business. With over thirty-years of experiences in Project Management, Recruitment, Employment, Student Mentorship, Customer Service and Sales Gloria’s ability to engage, negotiate and build worthwhile relationships across diversity, clients and demographics are her greatest skills.