Establish an understanding of Equity

Course Overview

This is the Third Course in the series provided by Everyday Inclusion. Equity is about fairness and equitable treatment, access and opportunity.

However, due to Systemic Racism that is rooted in many structures of society equity is difficult to reach without consistent and dedicated efforts. 

In this course, will learn to identity how Systemic Racism has skewed systems to disadvantage all racialised groups.

Gloria will present the online content via video. She will provide informative discussion and direct you through a series short presentations supported by material sourced from around the world.

Your workbook contains additional reading material and short activities for you to take notes and engage in the discussion. 

At the end of this course, participants will learn to identity how Systemic Racism has skewed systems to disadvantage racialised groups, and develop ways to cultivate Equity.

Learning Outcomes

1.     Understand Equity for what it is; 

2.    Identify five (5) ways we lack Equity in society;

3.    Develop strategies to achieve Equity.